Everything you need to construct a colossal drawing.


Throughout history, human-kind has been marking the earth with colossal, curious, and cryptic yet precise geometries. Some have clear functions while others are crafted for spiritual purposes. Some are experienced from the earth while others can only be appreciated from the cosmos. Some are temporary while others are more permanent. But, across time, culture, and purpose, these captivating creations share two things in common—rules and rope.

In order to decode the mysteries behind these creations, a team of passionate investigators are creating new drawings today. The purpose of this exercise is not only to discover the rules of the previous creations, but to better understand the value of this baffling, yet prolific obsession of human-kind.

This is where you enter into this history; to be a part of this eternal exercise.

You are invited to join the Crop Circle Kit Group: a contemporary coalition that is keeping the ancient practice of rule-based geometries alive.

Your mission: to make a colossal mark of your own on the earth. In this kit, you will find carefully crafted instruments that will aid you in your mission. The only limitation you face is your imagination.


Explore the Crop Circle Kit through the tabs above, or click 'about' for more in-depth instructions and how-to’s


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